Data has entered the chat.

AI Insights

BEEM AI conversations are the easiest way for your entire business to leverage your data and gain valuable knowledge from carefully curated company datasets.

From AI-Powered Answering Machine to Technical Assistant


Happy Data Consumers

BEEM AI changes the game for non-technical folks, making it easy to get meaningful insights from scattered or isolated data sources. Using natural language conversations, users can chat with the AI to fetch accurate and comprehensive data insights, no technical skills needed! This opens up data access to everyone in the organization, so making informed, data-driven decisions becomes a breeze.

Dataset Builder Assistant

Data experts can effortlessly create and refine datasets that reveal exactly what data consumers are looking for. BEEM AI simplifies writing SQL queries, provides essential context, analyzes outcomes, and even suggests patterns. This means your datasets will be super precise and incredibly valuable for end-users.

Conversational Self-Serve Analytics

With BEEM AI, users get the power to dive deep into data insights through simple, intuitive conversations. Just ask your questions in natural language, and the AI will respond with clear text answers or detailed data tables from SQL queries.

This makes it easy for everyone to make well-informed decisions, promoting a culture of self-service analytics throughout the organization.

Airtight AI Environment

AI Security

Gain all the benefits of leveraging AI without any fear of data leaking outside your cloud infrastructure.

Best LLMs in the industry

AI Insights conversation are built to leverage industry-leading LLMs for different use cases based on each model's specialty. Built on AWS Bedrock means BEEM AI can switch between a variety of models from Anthropic, Mistral, Cohere and more.

Not a Byte Leaving Your Environment

Data security and integrity is at the core of BEEM AI. You can rest assured that your data never leaves your environment to provide insights. The AI operates entirely within your managed cloud infrastructure, ensuring that no data is transferred outside your secure environment.

Additionally, BEEM AI is designed to function independently of third-party integrations, meaning it cannot be influenced by external sources or integrations, maintaining the integrity and security of your data at all times.

AWS Bedrock for a Solid Foundation

Using AWS Bedrock as our AI foundation framework provides numerous benefits, including robust security, scalability, and reliability. AWS Bedrock ensures that your data remains secure within your cloud infrastructure, preventing any unauthorized access or data leakage.

Additionally, AWS's proven scalability allows your AI applications to grow seamlessly with your business needs, while their industry-leading reliability ensures that your AI services are always available when you need them. Leveraging AWS Bedrock means you can confidently build and deploy AI solutions knowing they are supported by a strong and secure foundation.

Deploy GenAI Data Products Seamlessly

How It Works

The BEEM platform evolves alongside your data, creating interactive GenAI data products that integrate seamlessly with your data models and transformations.

Curate What Users Can Search

You can curate which datasets are leveraged by the BEEM AI agents to ensure quality results. This allows them to maintain high standards for the data being accessed, providing accurate and relevant insights for data consumers. In doing so, you simultaneously restrict which datasets can be queried in the background, ensuring that only appropriate and validated data sources are used.

This level of control guarantees that data consumers receive reliable and precise information while safeguarding sensitive or irrelevant datasets from being accessed.

Supercharge Insights with Documentation

Creating quality documentation about your datasets has never been so useful!Not only is detailing the use of every dataset crucial for data teams and stakeholders to understanding your data but it also ensures the accuracy of the responses provided to BEEM AI data consumers.

By investing time in detailing each dataset, you enhance the quality and reliability of the AI-generated responses, ultimately empowering data consumers to make well-informed decisions with confidence.

Workspace-Protected Data

BEEM AI is designed to operate within the confines of a single workspace, ensuring that no data leaks occur between different workspaces. This means that data from one department or team cannot be accessed by another unless explicitly allowed. By segmenting your company data into different workspaces, you can tailor the data access according to the needs and privileges of various data consumers.

This not only enhances security by preventing unauthorized access but also ensures that each team has access to the most relevant and specific datasets they need. This workspace-based segmentation fosters a more organized and secure data environment, allowing for more efficient and effective data utilization across the organization.

Democratize the use of your data with AI.

You can start modelling your data within hours instead of months.

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